How to Prepare for International Travel

Before planning your international travel, make sure to review the M&IE rates for the country you’ll be visiting. These rates use the International Airline Code or IATA code, and the incidentals column is not included. This means that only the actual incidental expenses can be claimed, and these will appear as an additional line on your expense report.
It’s also important to ensure that your laptop is up to date with security patches. If possible, only keep the essential applications you need, and uninstall anything that isn’t necessary. In addition, make sure you’re using up-to-date web browsers and other critical applications. You should also be careful not to use certain software applications while traveling internationally, as U.S. export control laws prohibit exporting some kinds of software.
When traveling abroad, it’s important to make sure you have all necessary travel documents. For example, a valid passport, valid visa, valid entry permits, and current health certificates are required. You may also need to submit a boarding form to the immigration authorities before you board your flight. If you’re traveling with a minor, you may need a Letter of Consent.
Arriving in a foreign country can be a tiring, stressful, and overwhelming experience. Remember that arriving in a new country with jet lag is never a pleasant experience, and a little planning will help make your journey go more smoothly. You should arrive at the airport about three hours before your flight.
Before you leave, make sure you register with the UF International Center and get a Travel Authorization. Then, UF will reimburse you for your international travel costs, based on current U.S. Department of State Office of Allowances rates. As long as you follow the regulations, you should be able to travel for up to two days overseas.
A valid passport is essential for travel to the United States and most other countries around the world. It must be valid on the day of entry, as well as for the duration of the trip. Many countries also require passports to be valid for 30 days or more after you’ve departed. This way, if something goes wrong with your travel, you’ll still have legal identification to prove you’re who you say you are.
It is imperative to have adequate vaccinations before traveling abroad. These vaccinations will protect you from serious illness, hospitalization, or death. Make sure you follow the vaccination requirements set forth by the transportation companies you’re traveling with. Check with the CDC to determine which vaccinations you’ll need before you fly.